Tuesday, February 12, 2008

White Board Sessions

If I could pick one conference to attend in the coming year, it would be The White Board Sessions. Top ten reasons to attend:

1) A conference in the nation's capital (or right around it). Think of the great site-seeing opportunities (and the beautiful cherry blossoms).

2) The line-up. Any one of these individuals would be worth the price of admission, but together...wow!

3) It's only one day. No need to block out a week (unless you want to make it a vacation).

4) The topics. Each leader gets 30 minutes to lay it out for you on a topic that they are passionate about.

5) It's cheap. Register through the end of this month for only $99.

6) It has a blog. How cool is that?

7) They give away free stuff. I'm all about free stuff...especially when it includes Starbucks coffee.

8) Everyone (from everywhere) will be there. Twenty-four states and DC (Washington, not to be confused with Discovery Church) are represented. Give in to peer pressure on this one.

9) Wireless internet. So you could listen and blog at the same time.

10) Casual attire. No need to dress to impress.

Check it out. Register if you can. Don't miss out (unless you are going on an already scheduled vacation to beautiful South Carolina with your family and friends).

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