Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why I'm Janet Oberholtzer

Over the next six weeks, members of the Discovery Church leadership team (the elders and the staff) will be sharing some of what has them so excited about partnering with One Life. Our third installment has been written by Janet Oberholtzer. Janet serves as the Small Groups Director and Other Titles as Assigned when she has the microphone.

I think one of the things I’m most excited about is the change I’ve seen in my heart as I’ve entered into this process. When Trey first suggested the idea to me, I was hesitant. I wasn’t sure about what One Life was all about or who their leaders were. I wasn’t excited about leaving the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. God has brought me past my initial hesitancies to willingly and whole heartedly say “Yes!” Here’s a little bit about how that happened,

My first introduction to One Life was at a preview service in October. I saw there that God had done incredible things to bring the church body together and provide the venue. From what I saw and heard that night, I sensed a church with a heart and vision similar to that of Discovery. I then learned that God blessed their first Sunday morning service with nearly a thousand people. I was excited to keep my eye on this congregation and what God was doing in her midst. Later that week, we met with a leadership team that was blown away by what God had done, grappling with what that meant in their personal and professional life and wondering what God would do next outside of the four walls of their facility in Henderson. At that point enthusiasm was high, but how Discovery could be involved was yet to be discerned.

As leaders from both sides continued to pray about this, we continued to ponder “What if?” My hesitancies about leaving the EPC began to fade as I saw the strength, wisdom and humilty of the leadership of One Life. I saw men with a heart to build God’s kingdom, not their own, men who have a track record of being faithful leaders and servants. While being with a denomination ties a church to a rich tradition and offers accountability, serving under a group of leaders who have walked with God for years and hold each other accountable is also a gift.

I’d kind of felt like Discovery was “at capacity” with our current infrastructure and resources, I think we all have great dreams for the future; however the future seems a bit far and distant as we look at our current reality. Linking arms with One Life feels like tapping into synergy (a force created by two entities that is stronger than each one could do individually). Instead of developing our own small group, teaching and mission strategies, we could plug into an existing plan and focus our energies uniquely on the West Side of Evansville.

What draws my heart most about the Westside is USI. I was thrilled when I learned of the heart that One Life leadership has for reaching out to students at USI and excited when I realized that my ten years of working in collegiate ministry could be utilized in helping us reach out to university students if only I had time and resources to focus.

In short, (perhaps too late to say?), as I thought about where we want to go as Discovery and I thought about where God is leading One Life, I saw a common vision and direction. There may be some logistical and technical differences, but the heart is the same. As I think about the thousands of students that will come and go from USI every four years, wondering if they will have the opportunity to hear the gospel, I thought how could we not link arms with One Life and give this a shot? Sure, we may lose some things in the transition, but when I think about what we can do for the kingdom of God together, I can’t imagine not taking the risk. I think our unification honors Christ and his church, his church for which he endured birth, suffering and death. His Church for which He rose again. His church which He will be coming again to claim as His own. May God be glorified and honored above all else as we contemplate this decision.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Why I'm Jack Young

Over the next six weeks, members of the Discovery Church leadership team (the elders and the staff) will be sharing some of what has them so excited about partnering with One Life. Our second installment has been written by one of our elders, Jack Young. Jack was among the first people to commit to being a part of Discovery Church.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

I'm excited because of the vision that these two churches share. From its beginning Discovery has had a focus on the unchurched or those who do not like church. The main focus of One Life is on those that are far from God. We each have the same goal for reaching people for God. Similarly, both groups are dedicated to church planting or new church starts.

Another reason I'm excited is a bit more personal. I have a 12 year-old daughter. I know that the

teenage years are a great time to impact their faith-journey

I believe that there are a large number of youth on the Westside that are not a part of a church. I am excited about the possibilities of reaching my daughter's friends, classmates, and others like them. I'm excited about making an impact on the future of the Westside of Evansville.

“A person standing alone can be attached and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Second Look @ Sunday

Few thoughts from a snow-filled, action-packed day:
  • Still amazed that God has allowed us at Discovery Church to partner with Uncharted International. They are doing some amazing things around the globe.
  • Thankful for Brian Kerney sharing how the PEACE plan plays a part in all that Uncharted is doing.
  • Wonder if Kerney will ever use the Twitter account I just referenced. Hm...?
  • Spent the weekend sick and on the couch. Gave me plenty of time to do research on the new head ball coach at Florida. Welcome to Gator Nation, Coach Will Muschamp.
  • Thankful for Darrin Carnahan & the rest of the worship team. Amazed by musicians who can hear a song one day and play it the next.
  • By the way, welcome Darrin to the world of Twitter. Follow him!
  • Excited for our friends at One Life. Sounds like God did some amazing things that were celebrated in baptism this week. Somewhere around 49 people baptized in two services today. Read some incredible descriptions on Facebook here.
  • Big Idea from the Sermon: God uses ordinary people to accomplish His purposes. Mary risked her whole life for the One who gave her her whole life.
  • Our family is sponsoring a child. Is yours? If not, make that one of the gifts you give this Christmas season. More info here.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

FAQs re: One Life

Since the elders of Discovery Church announced their recommendation to join the One Life Network, there have been several questions asked. Over the next few weeks, we hope to address those questions here. As always, if you have another question, feel free to let us know and we'll either answer you personally or in an upcoming FAQ.

1) Is there really a network of churches or is it just one church?
Yes, Virginia, there really is a network. On the surface, it might seem that there is only one church that is a part of this network. However, the One Life Network was designed from the very beginning to be a network the plants churches to reach unchurched, secular-minded people. The Henderson campus was the first plant of the One Life Network.

2) Are there going to be other campuses besides Henderson and Westside?
Yes. The One Life Network elders are working with a launch team that will start a new campus in Warrick County in the fall of 2011. With the launching of this new campus and the re-launch of Discovery Church, the One Life Network will grow to three sites. As God continues to lead, other sites may be added in the Tri-state area and around the world. To hear more about One Life's heart and plans for other sites, click here.

3) Why did they choose the name "One Life?"
The name comes from the idea that we all have one life, and one life only. No one knows exactly when that one life will come to an end. We should be asking the question: What matters most? What should we be doing with that one and only life? The founders of the One Life Network believe that they have the answer to that question: a true, vital, day-by-day relationship and experience with Jesus. The passion and desire of the One Life Network is to create an environment where people far from God can experience Jesus.

4) Who provides the leadership for this network?
Each local campus will have their own leadership or management team. This team will deal with the day-to-day operations of that local campus. These local teams will be led by a Campus Pastor and be accountable to the One Life Network board of elders. These mature, believing leaders are given charge to direct the affairs of the church. Among this board of elders is the Senior Pastor of One Life, Bret Nicholson.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Second Look @ Sunday

Here's a quick look back at yesterday:
  • Some mornings it is just hard to get going. Yesterday seemed to be that way for a lot of people. The number of alarms ignored yesterday may have set some type of record.
  • So thankful for a corporate partner who is providing us with the use of a printer.
  • Our band took the week off for a variety of reasons. Dan did an awesome job covering for the rest of the gang by doing an unplugged worship set.
  • Thanks to Jordan for stepping up and filling in on Media Shout yesterday.
  • Big idea from the sermon: Reach out in faith to Jesus. Let His presence resurrect your dead and broken life.
  • Had a blast working on Project Man Cave in the afternoon. It's amazing to see the love that the Zarazee girls have for their dad. Also cool to see others chip in to make this amazing transformation happen. Hope Todd is able to enjoy many Colts victories down there.
  • Exciting time of planning and prayer last night in Warrick County. Can't wait to see what God is going to do through those who are willing to sacrifice for and serve others.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why I'm Kitten McClain

Over the next six weeks, members of the Discovery Church leadership team (the elders and the staff) will be sharing some of what has them so excited about partnering with One Life. Our first installment has been written by the sweet, compassionate and talented (not to mention beautiful) Kitten McClain. Kitten serves as the Director of Children's Ministries at Discovery.

As I look at joining together with One Life, I am excited about many different things. First and foremost, I am excited to see what God will do! Discovery and One Life share a common heart to reach those outside the church. One Life states they are about “helping people far from God experience Jesus.” At the heart of all we do, I pray, we are helping people experience Jesus for the first time and then in deeper and new ways!

Second, I am excited to see One Life's commitment to children. When you go to the One Life children's page, the first statement is “kids are a big deal here.” That is awesome! Kids are a big deal; in fact, they are a huge deal! I am excited to see that One Life knows this! If we can reach children and teach them about God's love at a young age, imagine the impact they can have on Evansville and the surrounding area! One Life sees children's minstry not just as a babysitting service, but as a ministry in and of itself.

Third, I am excited about the security system in the children's area. The safety and security of our children is so important. When I visit other churches, I am hesitant to leave my children with people I do not know. God has given us two beautiful little girls that I want to make sure are safe. I hope this security system would help alleviate fears as parents leave their children with us for the first time.

Finally, I am simply excited to join with this team who is passionate about reaching the greater Evansville area. There are so many people in this community who are searching for something else. I get so excited when I think about the church coming together, across the area, to reach the Tri-state and beyond. I look forward to seeing all Christ has in store!