Friday, December 26, 2008

This Sunday @ Discovery

The building is not the church. The worship service is not the church. The people, the followers of Jesus, are the church. This week, Discovery Church will be finding a variety of ways to be the church. We will not have a weekly worship service, but the church will still be meeting. What will the church be doing? They will be: loving family in towns far, far away; serving other churches; loving their neighbors (in completely legal & moral ways). So don't come to the movie theater on Sunday expecting church. The church won't be there this week (unless they happen to show up with a friend for a flick).

Monday, December 22, 2008

News of the Strange & Stupid

Criminals tend to be disproportionately stupid. Not just silly or ignorant, but stupid. However cops can be tricky too. Take this story from coming out of Chicago. Here's a hint for future criminals: if you have a warrant for your arrest outstanding, do not go to a free giveaway.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Quote of the Day

"When God chooses man, He invests him with full responsibility for total obedience to an absolute demand." -- Paul S. Minear, Eyes of Faith

Friday, December 19, 2008

Quote of the Day

"A friend is one to whom you can pour out the contents of your heart, chaff and grain alike. Knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away." -- Anonymous

This Sunday @ Discovery

Very excited about this Sunday at Discovery. It will be the last Sunday of the year as we take a break and encourage the church to reach out and be creative about being community for a week. We're wrapping up our Christmas series, "Christmas Classics." We'll watch a clip from one of my favorite childhood Christmas movies (hint: stars My Cousin Vinny). Also, the band might have something special for us. Check it out Sunday @ 9:30 AM (free Starbucks @ 9) at Kerasotes Stadium 16 (yes, the movie theater).

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Overcoming the "Religious" Mindset

While reading today, I came across this quote:

"While in the Western spiritual tradition we have tended to see the "religious" as one category of life among many (we even call nuns and monks the "religious"), the Hebrew mind has no such distinction about a purely "religious" existence but is concerned with all of life...All of life is sacred when it is placed in relationship to the living God." -- Frost & Hirsch, Shaping of Things to Come

It rocked me. Why do we try to compartmentalize our lives and keep God in the "religious" quadrant? If He truly is God (and that perhaps is the primary question of life), then doesn't He deserve so much more than our Sunday morning box? If He truly is the author and sustainer of all, doesn't He deserve our everything?

I know for me that this is not always easy. I like boxes. It is easy to pull down the Bob's box or the debate box or the Discovery box or the family box. Boxes are okay...if there is a place for God in each box. How am I allowing God to work and move in and through me at Bob's? In the speech & debate community? At Discovery?

What about you? Do you have boxes? Do you have God in the boxes or is He simply on the shelf of your life, waiting on you to acknowledge His presence, His existence?

Quote of the Day

"In giving advice, seek to help, not please, your friend." -- Solon

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One of the Best 5 Minutes of My Day

Saw this early this morning and it was one of the best 5 minute blocks of my day.

Check it out: Trust me it's worth it.

Quote of the Day

"A great deal more failure is the result of an excess of caution than of bold experimentation with new ideas. The frontiers of the kingdom of God were never advanced by men and women of caution." -- J. Oswald Sanders

Matthew 11:12 "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it."

Today's Big Plans

More HR. Making all the Group Ex instructors as official Bob's Gym employees sure does add to my workload. It'll be great for the gym though.

Also today, lunch with Jeremy to begin thinking about music for the worship services in January ("Chasing the Lion").

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Irony (Definition of)

Sitting on the couch eating pizza from Papa John's while watching "The Biggest Loser" finale. That's my life.

The Reason for...

This past weekend, Perry Noble laid down a line that shook me. Here's what he said:

"Jesus is not the reason for the season;
He's the reason for life!"
Wow... Nothing new, but if it became a part of your life it would change everything.

Quote of the Day

"If you want to build a ship, don't summon people to buy wood, prepare tools, distribute jobs, and organize the work, rather teach people the yearning for the wide, boundless ocean." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Housing Update

As you probably have heard once or twice, Kitten and I (and the girls) are in the midst of rehabbing a house. Another productive weekend and we might be done. Here's what's left that we need to do:

  • Master Bedroom: get carpeting down, paint closet doors, replace door & hardware
  • Dining Room: last coat of paint in closet, replace electrical outlets, replace light switches
  • Kitchen: install microwave, install cabinet above microwave
  • Laundry Room: rebuild closet, paint ceiling
  • Living Room: paint ceiling; replace ceiling fan; replace electrical outlets; prime walls; paint walls; replace window
  • Study/Spare Bedroom: another coat on flooring; prime walls; paint walls; replace electrical outlets
  • Alyssa's Bedroom: another coat on flooring; prime walls; paint walls; replace electrical outlets; paint doors; rehang doors; replace ceiling fan
  • Morgan's Bedroom: paint trim; replace ceiling fan
  • Bathroom: replace electrical outlet; rehang mirror; replace light you want to help with any of this?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Being Amazing

Had a great conversation with Billy Chia last night. As we were talking, we were discussing the value of sometimes doing less. I loved some of the stuff that came from that discussion. It came at the perfect time as we discuss a change in our ministry structure at Discovery.

At Discovery, we're going to stop doing a high school/middle school ministry. Why? For several smaller reasons and one big reason. The big reason is simply this. What we're doing now is not amazing. Bob Franquiz, my church-planting coach, dropped this nugget from his church in our last session: "It doesn't have to be perfect; it just has to be amazing." As I evaluated our HS/MS ministry, we were falling short and did not have the resources or energy to get there yet. Someday in the future, we'll re-launch that part of our ministry and it will be amazing.

With all this perculating in my mind, like a fine cup of Pike's Place Roast, I stumbled across a neat article comparing a simpler model for church to Outback Steakhouse. Anything that has to do with Outback can't be all bad.

What's your thoughts? Anything in your life that needs to be eliminated?

Today's Big Plans....

Today shall be officially called "HR Day" for me. Bob's Gym is making some structural changes in the new year that have had a significant impact on my work today. Lots of new employee info to get into our system. Also, we have a new employee starting out on the Westside (Bestside) today.

By the way, Bob's new website went live yesterday. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Classics

Today we continued our "Christmas Classics" series at Discovery. We watched a clip from "Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas." We talked about what Christmas is not about and what it is about. Here's the brief synopsis:
Christmas is not about gifts; it is about generosity.
Christmas is not about parties; it is about community.
Christmas is not about the "big guy;" it is about the "little guy."
What is about (or not about) for you and yours?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fred Thompson on Economy

When I was in college, I worked for Sen. Fred Thompson's (R-TN) office. I just wish that he had wanted to run for President while he was running for President.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Great & Unexpected Acts

"If I were in your shoes, I’d go straight to God,I’d throw myself on the mercy of God. After all, he’s famous for great and unexpected acts;there’s no end to his surprises. He gives rain, for instance, across the wide earth,sends water to irrigate the fields. He raises up the down-and-out,gives firm footing to those sinking in grief." (Job 5:8-11, MSG)
I love it when God does His "great and unexpected acts" in front of me. Some of the surprises I have witnessed in the past year include:
  • the launch and growth of Discovery Church
  • financing for Discovery Church
  • a co-worker having a life-changing experience
  • my girls' beautiful smiles lighting up rooms
  • providing a house for us in the particular sub-division we wanted to live in
  • providing an awesome job that helps pay the bills while Discovery grows

What about you? Where do you see God showing up and showing off?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Experiencing Grace

We spent the month of November talking about money issues at Discovery. This was a big concern for me because we created Discovery for those who do not like church. One of my assumptions (accurate or not) is that people who do not like church think that the church is all about money (an assumption that the televangelists of the 80s certainly did not help us with). A series on the issue so early in our church's history seemed like it would just feed this thought.

We spent a week talking about tithing as a beginning point (for more great discussion on this issue, see Vince Antonucci's recent blog posts). We spent a week talking about contentment and another about debt. I challenged our community to do Dave Ramsey's second baby step and identify their debt with the smallest balances. The next week we would collect the totals of our community and get a pulse for how huge the problem was. The answer was shocking: over $130,000.

The last week of the series we discussed thankfulness. We asked people to put the information about their smallest balanced debt on slips of paper found in "the world's smallest church programs" (our bulletins). We spoke about grace, how God meets you when you do not expect it. I then announced that we were giving away our offering that morning, 20% to church planting and missions and the rest would be given to four individuals. We were able to pay off the debt of two individuals and pay $400 on two other bills. I believe that this experience is one of the defining moments in the first few months of Discovery Church. Such an awesome experience.

What are you doing to allow people to experience grace?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I Never...

Back when I was in college, I remember watching people play a drinking game called "I Never." They would proudly confess to something that they had never done and those who had were forced to take a shot. This game served two purposes: (1) it allowed you to get completely hammered; (2) it made it okay to confess truly humiliating stuff.

As I was reading in the Bible tonight, I came across what must have been a really tough "I Never" for Amos. In Amos 7, the prophet is called out by the priest of Israel for speaking out against the king. Amos simply tells the priest that he never wanted to be a preacher, being a prophet wasn't on his top 10 things to do. He was just fine being the cattleman, raising steaks instead of raising the stake.

He then boldly calls out the leadership for the sinfulness and their waywardness. Wow.

Here's my thoughts: (1) Are my ambitions always pure? Am I constantly seeking what God wants most rather than my own desires? (2) Would I have the cajones to call out a king? a leader? Would I be willing to follow God in saying "Your wife will become a whore in town"? What in my life needs to change for me to have that complete and utter trust in Him and His Word?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Life After Porn

"Knee deep in boxes at 217 Brackendale Lane, I heard the front door open. The jiggle of the doorknob was a familiar sound, for I knew the entrance of my husband was soon to follow. Inching my way through a small pathway in between many boxes, I looked up and saw the face of the man I married nine years ago. Chris walked toward me and asked if we could “talk”. The look on his face said enough - something was wrong.

"After getting our oldest son, Noah, settled with a Blue’s Clues video, Chris motioned me toward the newly-purchased sofa that had arrived just twenty-four hours before as we began our new life in a new town.

"He began by confessing that he had numerous affairs with numerous women from numerous places. My heart began to palpitate while I listened to him. I heard the cracking of my heart as he spoke and felt the devastation setting in almost immediately. As if that information was not enough to handle, he also informed me that one of the women was pregnant, and he was pretty sure the baby was his child."

Read the rest of Cindy Beall's story here.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Going Bi...Vocational (Part Four)

There are definitely drawbacks to being bi-vocational. However, there are also marked advantages. This week, we'll direct our attention to a few of those.

One huge advantage to doing ministry bi-vocationally is decreasing the burden of the church. The Apostle Paul did this over and over again. As he was planting churches, he would make tents. The tent-making would allow him to serve without demands.

As we were beginning our adventure with Discovery Church, I was challenged by the staffing of Muncie Alliance to consider the benefits of being bi-vocational. The staff at MAC has chosen to be bi-vocational so that the resources of the church might go further and enable more ministry to occur. My role at Bob's has allowed me to support my family and be less of a burden for Discovery.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Night Dump

Here's some quick thoughts that are still streaming through my worn-out head:
  • Had two people serving at Discovery for the first time this morning. So cool. Rodney & Theresa did an awesome job with the Starbucks and donuts.
  • The worship team sounded so good this morning.
  • The tech. demons showed up. Media Shout died on us just as the service began. Let's just say the new rule is: "Save. Save. Save" and we're not just talking about spiritual issues anymore.
  • Jack is doing a great job with "Talk to Jack."
  • Excited about my Florida Gators football team. They're looking really good.
  • Loved it that a family skipped a baptism so that they could come back to Discovery after visiting last week. Hopefully we haven't made the holidays awkward.
  • Definitely challenged about how we're spending Thanksgiving.
  • Talking about money is never easy, but I think it is healthy for me and the church.
  • Got a stinkin' busy week ahead. Three open houses and a Presbytery meeting. Definitely going to need some strength and rest.
  • Congratulations Kevin & Emily. When I showed Chloe's pic this morning, the collective response was "Awww."

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Going Bi...Vocational (part three)

Over the next few days, we'll be discussing the pros and cons to bi-vocational ministry.

The natural outflow of the struggle with time is a struggle for family moments. My family is God's most precious gift to me (aside from salvation of course). I love letting my girls use me as a jungle-gym. I like spending time with my wife. I enjoy our family time together.

It has been said that when you say yes to one thing, you must say no to another. It is a shame that when we say yes to bi-vocational ministry that one area that can easily be overlooked is our family. One of the highlights of my week is when the girls stop by the gym to spend time with me. It makes me happy to see Alyssa sitting on a stool behind the counter "working" by coloring. Awesome! I appreciate those moments, because I do not get enough of them.

For me, I've tried to find ways to get those special moments with the girls. I might stop by the house on my way back from one of the other clubs. After working late one night a couple of weeks ago, I slept in a bit and dropped Alyssa off at school, just so we could have some time together in the morning.

What are you doing to make special time for your family?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Two Reasons I Like Halloween This Year

Going Bi...Vocational (part two)

Over the next few days, we'll be discussing the pros and cons to bi-vocational ministry.

I really am a pretty positive guy, yet I want to begin by looking at one of the negatives of bi-vocational ministry. Perhaps the most important resource that we have at our disposal is T...I...M....E. Time, the one truly unreplenishable natural resource. Once the hours are spent they can never be recovered (unless you happened to fly back across the international date line, in which case: live it up...not really, just jiving).

The truth is that we are each given a finite amount of time and we must choose how we spend those 24 hours, the 1440 minutes that we have at our disposal each day. A bi-vocational minister will find themselves pressed for time. The "real" job will always cry out for more time and energy. The church also desperately needs attention. How do you strike this balance? How do you find the time for both jobs when both are really important?

The practical response: A bi-vocational minister needs an outstanding tool that allows them to keep track of their busy lives. For me, the Palm Centro that Bob's provided me has helped me keep track of all those important details. For the ADD, bi-vocational guy that I am, this is perfect. Whatever the specific tool is, the bi-vocational minister will need to be meticulous in the allotment of their time.

What tools are you using to help you with time management?

Talk about a Scary

What could be scarier? Perhaps Jacko and Madonna?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Going Bi...Vocational (part one)

As we started dreaming about Discovery Church nearly 20 months ago, we had several strong assumptions. First, Discovery would be a church for those who don't like to go to church. Second, we were planting a church that would plant churches. Third, in order to allow us to do more ministry, I would have to be willing to be bi-vocational.

I assumed this last step would be pretty easy. I would blow the dust off the resume, update it a bit and send it to a few places. I knew that the job offers would poor in. After telling Mr. Gates and Mr. Jobs, "Thanks but no thanks," I would take a job managing Mr. Warren Buffet's money...or something like that. That is definitely not what happened.

Over the next few days, I'm going to lay out my experience and the insights that I have gained in the process. Furthermore, if you have been down this path, I would love to hear about your experience and feedback as well.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Big Announcement (part three)

The Discovery Church Board of Directors recently approved partnering with two new church plants. Over the next two days we will be revealing online who those two church plants are. For more information on why we're doing this, check out Sunday's blog.

The second church plant that we are partnering with has until just recently been called the Vegas Project. Vince Antonucci will be leaving Forefront Church that he helped plant in Virginia Beach, Virginia to go west (young man, go west). He and his family will be moving to Sin City (Las Vegas) in order to help people love God, love people, and turn the world upside down.

I've been reading Vince's blog for a little over a year. He has an incredible sense of humor and a passion for people that is infectious. Vince is the author of I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt. Not only is this an awesome book (in fact, I gave it to my each of my parents for their birthdays last year), but it had to win an award for longest title in non-Christian fiction that you would actually want to read.

Personally, I am thankful for Vince because when I was searching for help in planting Discovery, he was willing to offer advice through email. A huge blessing that I never thought would actually happen. The two or three emails that we corresponded back and forth were a tremendous aid to me as I struggled to find a coach (more on that this week too).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Big Announcement (part two)

The Discovery Church Board of Directors recently approved partnering with two new church plants. Over the next two days we will be revealing online who those two church plants are. For more information on why we're doing this, check out Sunday's blog.

The first church that we are partnering with is Ridge Church. Ridge Church is being planted by our best friends from seminary, Kevin & Emily Layne, in Knoxville, Tennessee. As a huge University of Florida Gator fan, my only concern is what can God do in such a reprobate place as Knoxville (home of the University of Tennessee). Yet at the same time, maybe the brokeness of being whipped the last two years by my beloved Gators has them seeking true purpose.

Kevin and Emily are expecting their first child any fact they may have already had her and not had the time to call. Ridge Church has been hosting informational meetings and service projects. To keep track of Ridge Church or to learn how you can partner with them as well, check out their blog.

Monday, October 27, 2008

We Got a Home!!!

Today, we close on our new home. For our daughter's opinion of the new house, check out the video below.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Big Announcement (part one)

The Board of Directors for Discovery Church met last week and made a huge decisions. We decided on two new church plants that we will be supporting in the coming year. Over the next couple of days we will be sharing with you more details of these two new churches. However, I first want to make some observations about the reason behind supporting these new churches.

When we first started communicating the vision for Discovery Church, we told people that we were not just planting a church. We were planting a church that would plant churches. We didn't know what this would look like, but we knew that it was essential to our DNA. We believe that every good and healthy thing must reproduce.

In order to make that vision a reality, we committed to tithing to church planting. We have made the commitment from the very beginning to set apart 10% of our tithes and offerings that we receive to support other church plants. From the surface, it makes you wonder what we're smoking. I mean, we're clearly a new church plant that could use the money. However, we believe in giving that we are blessed. We believe in giving that we grow. We also believe that there is no time like the present to trust God and give sacrificially to support His kingdom work.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Super Hero Saturday

A couple of weeks ago one of our launch team members put together 200 packets of popcorn (be careful that your "o" key does not stick when typing popcorn) with invitations to Discovery Church. We gathered at the West Side Nut Club's Fall Festival to pass them out. In a half hour we had them all distributed, largely due to the effort of one person, today's super hero...

Seriously, could you say no to that. My daughter, Alyssa, was amazing in giving to others. At first, she was a bit apprehensive but soon got into it. By the third time she handed one out, she was keeping score. Before long, she was consoling her mother and I when we would be refused.

When we got ready to leave the staff at our previous church, Kitten and I were really concerned about how Alyssa would handle the transition. She had grown up and been loved by that community. She had friends there. She knew the building like the back of her hand. Were we asking too much of her?

Now, I have no question that she has fallen in love with serving at Discovery. Each Saturday night we ask her if she wants to go help set up and she enthusiastically says yes (perhaps it has something to do with the Donut Bank donuts that we get on the way). She'll grab signs and flooring and drag them to the appropriate spot. She works hard...and then eats lots of donuts. Everyday, I think she is a super hero. Today, however, she is Discovery Church's Super Hero of the Week.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I've Been Lazy

Yeah...I know. I've been lazy. I could give a list of a dozen valid excuses on why I haven't been keeping up on my blog, but that would just be excuses. The end result is: I've been lazy. I had time to play on Facebook and manage my pathetic Fantasy Football teams (my ESPN team looks more like an ER ward than a football team). But starting today, I'm committing to a solid week (and perhaps more) of blogging. You can count on it. The nap is over. I'm back.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wild Goose Chase (Part Five)

Over the next week I will be posting some of my learning points from Mark Batterson's new book, Wild Goose Chase. Thanks again to Billy Chia for providing me with this new read.

"Faith is not logical. But it isn't illogical either. Faith is theological. It does not ignore reality; it just adds God inot the equation...Faith is not mindless ignorance; it simply refuses to limit God to the logical constraints of the left brain." -- Chapter 4, Eight-Foot Ceilings

Faith is amazing. By faith, Enoch walked with God and was no more. (Still trying to really grasp how that one works.) By faith, Noah built a boat that saved his family. By faith, Abraham believed it was possible to have children even though he was really stinkin' old.

But even as I type this, I hear my own voice say, "Yeah, but those were all in the Bible." And I'm right (my wife thinks that I always think I'm right). They were in the Bible. But that does not make the principle wrong. I could continue. By faith, he trusted God for a job. By faith, they prayed that the infertile couple might conceive. By faith, they believed that she would be healed.

I like the statement that Batterson makes: Faith "adds God to the equation. " Too often we strive under our own might while God is waiting in in the wings. We try and try and God is simply saying, "You're weak. Allow me." His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses, therefore we should boast all the more of our weaknesses.

Where do you need faith? In what part of your life do you need to add God to the equation?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Wild Goose Chase (Part Four)

Over the next week I will be posting some of my learning points from Mark Batterson's new book, Wild Goose Chase. Thanks again to Billy Chia for providing me with this new read.

Within the third chapter is this amazing story of a person who decided that they would just start thanking God for the miracles that they experienced at that moment. They started with things like a beating heart and respiration. By the middle of the afternoon, they were praising God for amino acids (by name) and the process that creates those important chains. As I read this, two thoughts struck me. First, I no absolutely nothing about my anatomy and how my body works. Second, I take a lot, perhaps too much, for granted.

I experience miracles everyday as well. While I might not be able to lecture on how the hip bone is connected to the leg bone, I can celebrate the laughter of a 10 month old rejoicing in her father's attention. While I might not understand how muscles repair themselves, I do understand the power of community working together. While there is a much that I do not understand about how the world around me operates, I do know the God that makes such operation possible.
What are you overlooking? What are you forgetting to thank God for?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Set List Sunday

Another Sunday at Discovery, here's our set list for this morning. The team really stepped it up to fill in gaps. Way to go.

Intro to Worship video
Forever (Tomlin)
Mighty to Save (Hillsong)
Grace Like Rain (Agnew)
Feels Like Tonight video (Daughtry)
What if I Stumble (DC Talk)
Blessed Be Your Name

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wild Goose Chase (Part Three)

Over the next week I will be posting some of my learning points from Mark Batterson's new book, Wild Goose Chase. Thanks again to Billy Chia for providing me with this new read.

"Sometimes God will provide a miraculous sign that will give you just enough faith to take the first step in the pursuit of your passion. But more often than not, faith doesn't follow signs. Signs follow faith. It is the biblical pattern." -- Chapter 2, Goose Bumps

I remember it very clearly. Kitten and I felt clearly led to help start Discovery Church. We had told the congregation at Olivet that we were resigning effective the end of May. We had placed our home for sale by owner. I had even circulated resumes looking for a job to provide for the financial needs of our family. Nothing. No real interest in the house. No real interest in me. Nada. Nothing. Zilch.

I was beginning to wonder if I had heard God's calling right. I had a conversation with my dad and he reminded me that God is an "on-time God." He often will not provide too far in advance and He is never late. He is on-time. With less than a month before our time at Olivet was set to end, God showed up. He sold our house (at a very fair price). He got me a job (with a great company).

It makes me wonder what might have been. What if I had given up on the calling instead of setting out in faith? The pursuit of God is worth everthing, like a treasure found in the field, like a pearl of great price. We should be willing to risk everything to discover and follow Him.

Superhero Saturday

Today's superhero is Jeremy Hawkins. Jeremy has been a friend for nearly a decade. When he and his wife Shelly joined the team, Kitten and I were so excited. Jeremy does so much for Discovery. He has played an instrumental part (pardon the pun) on our worship team. He plays bass each week on the team. He also spends countless time putting together the sheet music before each practice. As if that were not enough, he also takes care of the trailer that stores all of our equipment. Jeremy, you are truly a superhero. Thanks for all you do!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wild Goose Chase (Part Two)

Over the next week I will be posting some of my learning points from Mark Batterson's new book, Wild Goose Chase. Thanks again to Billy Chia for providing me with this new read.

"Boredom isn't just boring; boredom is wrong. You cannot simultaneously live by faith and be bored. Faith and boredom are antithetical." -- Chapter 1, Yawning Angels
How is that we can bore people to death with the only true source of life? What is it about the way that we worship the God of the universe that people would prefer to dream about Sunday's lunch? Why does our teaching and preaching inspire more drool than life change?
I believe that this complacency has less to do with what is happening on the platform (or front) and more to do with what is happening in the individual's heart. Too often, I think we come to worship expecting nothing to happen, expecting nothing transformative, and guess what happens? Nothing! What if we expected more? What if we expected the creative God, who formed all that we see from nothing, to show up and lead us on adventure? What if we expected more than the same-old, same old.

If you're content with your Christian life and bored, I pray that God will turn your world upside down. I pray that He would remove all your securities so that in your insecurity you can learn to rely on Him. I pray that He would destroy the map that you've laid out for your life so that you will be forced to follow Him on a terrific journey.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wild Goose Chase (Part One)

The book finally arrived. Thanks to the incredible generosity of Billy Chia, I now am the proud owner of Wild Goose Chase. Billy created a contest in which he would award a free copy of the book to one of his readers. The sole requirement is that the recipient would post a review on her/his blog.

To satisfy that requirement I will be posting over the next week one of the learning points for me in each of the seven chapters. However, you still need to read the book (and its companion, In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day) yourself. There is so much in the book for you to digest on your own. So tomorrow morning the journey begins. Chapter One: Yawning Angels.

Some quick thoughts before we begin:

1) Mark Batterson is a truly gifted writer.
2) How cool is it that this book has its own trailer?
3) Will the website to Mark's next book be chasetheplatypus?
4) His church meets in a movie theater. What a swell idea!
5) Billy Chia is awesome...and quite generous.

Set List Sunday (Three Days Late)

Another great weekend at Discovery Church. The band was forced to make some late adjustments due to an absence. They did a great job of filling in gaps and making the absence less gaping. Here's the rundown from Sunday at Discovery:

Wazzup video
You're Worthy of My Praise (David Ruis)
Trading My Sorrows (Darrell Evans)
Always (Generation Unleashed)
Sermon "Urban Legend: God Wants You Happy"
Flood (Jars of Clay)
Blessed Be Your Name

Tuesday's Thoughts (a day late)

Without power, I was unable to blog yesterday and share my weekly mind dump. So without further ado:
  • So apparently the service at Discovery Church wasn't the only thing that was powerful on Sunday. Looks like Hurricane Ike was still being felt all the way up in Indiana.
  • Communication is critical. We had a case this weekend where communication did not happen early enough or clear enough. Either way that can cause big problems.
  • It's awesome watching people invest not just with their checkbooks, but also with their lives. Our volunteers rock.
  • Our Starbucks is closing next month. What should we do?
  • Vince's series on the Church Planter Assessment Center (CPAC) is spot on.
  • I passed my ordination exam even though my answer to the question regarding immutable was anything but. Don't know what immutable means? Look here.
  • Can't wait to get my hands on Wild Goose Chase. Thanks Billy.
  • My girls are incredible and beautiful. Good thing that they take after their mother.

I Got the Power

After being without electricity for nearly 80 hours, Vectren finally got power r
estored to our house today. What a blessing. You forget how much you rely on electricity until
you do not have it anymore. Here are a few things that I have missed being able to do over the last 3.5 days.
  • SportsCenter
  • The internet & blogging
  • Lights in the bathroom
  • Clocks
  • Charging my cellphones
  • Lights to read by
  • The washing machine
  • My refrigerator & the food in it

And think it was only 3.5 days. What would you miss?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Superhero Saturday

Planting a new church does not happen overnight and it certainly does not happen on the back of one person. While Kitten and I have been excited about what God has been doing at Discovery, we are very cognizant that it is only happening because of the hard work of others. Each Saturday I will be highlighting one of the superheroes at Discovery Church. Remember, "you do not have to have superpowers to be a hero" (Heroes, Season 1, Episode 6).

Our superhero for today is still in elementary school. Elise is an incredible young lady who helps nearly every Sunday morning when we unload at 7:00 a.m. Elise is always willing to help carry anything that she can. She arrives and begins working. Last week she did an incredible job of helping focus Alyssa, our four-year old. Together they made a dynamic team unloading and setting up in the Children's Ministry area. So for all you do Elise: thanks! You're awesome.

Friday, September 12, 2008

You Can't Handle the Truth

I went through high school and started college with the dream of being an attorney. While keeping in debate, I loved the cross-examination time. It was so fun to watch your opponent squirm as you fired questions at them. Today, the favor gets returned to me. It's my time to squirm.

Today I will stand before the Midwest Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church to transfer my ordination. As part of the process, I have already taken written exams and been orally examined by a committee. Today, all of the ruling & teaching elders at the meeting will be given the chance to play "Stump the Chump" with me. (FYI: I'm not that formidable as a chump.) They can ask anything they want to about the English Bible, Theology & Sacraments, The Book of Order, Reformed Tradition, and the Nature and Office of the Minister of the Word.

If you're a praying type, please do so. I can definitely use it. Hopefully, it won't turn into a Jack Nicholson moment where the elder is yelling, "I want the truth" and I reply, "You can't handle the truth."

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Discovery Worship (September 07)

The playlist from our first weekly gathering service this past weekend:

"Faceless Man" by Creed
Drive-In Faith video
"All Because of Jesus" by Fee
"It is You" by Newsboys
"Enough" by Jeremy Camp
I Believe video
"All I Need" by Shawn McDonald
"Everyday" by Lincoln Brewster


Vince Antonucci asks the question today, "What were you doing seven years ago today?"

I remember very clearly the events of 2001. I remember hearing on Bob & Tom that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center. Not many details were available and I supposed they meant a little crop-duster. I went into Jojo's to meet a friend for breakfast. When I came back out and started up my car, I heard the latest update: another tower had been hit. I was headed to my parents home (less than a mile away) and by the time that I arrived there the Pentagon had been hit. I immediately went to Olivet where we spent the day wondering what we could do and how we could speak in the midst of the crisis.

Often we encounter tough times, even earth-rocking devastation. How do we continue to function in the midst of the pain? Where do we find hope in the midst of the crisis? How can we move on when there seems no where to go?

"Turn to God." The answer seems trite, a little too Sunday-School. Yet, sometimes the answer is the obvious. Just because 4 seems like the easy answer to 2+2=? doesn't mean it is wrong. Psalm 77 reminds us that even when it seems like God has forgotten us, we can continue to trust in Him.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Strip Blogging

Eric (aka Mustafa) showed me a great link. You can create your own comic strip. Check out my attempt at making a funny.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday's Thoughts

Okay many people take a break once a week and do a mind dump on their blog. I think that there is something catartic about it. So as a weekly feature, I'll place my random thoughts on here for you to read.
  • Sunday was freakin' awesome. The setup in the childrens area rocked. Way to go team!
  • I can't believe that I said the phrase "menstrual problems" in my sermon. Definitely a first.
  • Had a really cool conversation with a friend at Starbucks last night. He has become infected with the disease called Jesus. As the Russian proverb says, "Those infected with the disease called Jesus are never cured."
  • By the way, Starbucks weren't ready for us this Sunday so they gave us free coffee. They can run a little late every week as long as they give us free coffee!
  • My fantasy teams took big hits this weekend. I can't believe that I took Tom Brady with the 3rd overall pick. UGH.
  • I'm loving the new Chris Tomlin CD. It's in steady play on the iPod during my morning workout.
  • Speaking of morning workouts, I had my body fat tested and I've lost 2.3% body fat in the past four weeks. I'm down to really fat from obviously really fat.
  • The Colts looked horrible Sunday night. It just goes to show how important every cog is. Hurry up and get healthy Jeff Saturday.
  • Speaking of Saturday, it's always good to see the Gators beat the Canes.
  • Looking forward to an interview this Sunday as we continue the Urban Legends series.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Discovery Church Launch This Weekend

What an amazing summer it has been. When Kitten and I began this journey toward Discovery together, we had no clue what we were in store for. It has been incredible watching God create opportunities for us. It has been humbling watching others buy into the vision for Discovery. It has been incredible watching people sacrifice and serve together. I love those moments at 7:00 in the morning watching people unload our trailer and transform a theater into a gathering place for the church.

We launch weekly services this week. Our three previews services have been a great time for us to learn and to grow. This Sunday we'll begin a series entitled "Urban Legends: Debunking Spiritual Myths." I'm excited about what we learn together over the next four weeks. Feel free to come join us this Sunday at 9:00 (for free Starbucks) or 9:30 (for the service).

Thursday, July 31, 2008


I believe in God moments. Let me define what I'm talking about for you. God moments are those moments that are beyond coincidence, beyond chance, but where God seems to divinely just place you somewhere, put something in your lap that has a significant impact on your life.

My latest God moment happened tonight. Right here in the basement of my mom's house. I was trolling through some blogs, catching up on some reading when I came across a song on Los' blog. As I listened to the song, I was overwhelmed. It was like a burden was placed upon me to pray. As I was praying for friends and coworkers in need of healing, God reminded me of an incredible experience that Kitten and I had where we experienced His healing.

For several years, Kitten and I desperately sought to have children. We tried and tried, but the good ol' fashion way just wasn't working. We even went to see fertility specialist. Nothing. Nada. It was like the plotline to a Seinfeld episode...nothingness. Each month we would get our hopes up; each month we would feel absolutely crushed when we realized we still weren't pregnant.

In the midst of this struggle, two friends invited us over to their house for dinner. The food was amazing and the atmosphere was filled with laughter and joviality, two things we were in desperate need of. They then invited us to their back sunroom. In that back sunroom they told us that they were praying for us and they were confident that God would provide a child for us. They challenged us to act in faith and make a purchase for the baby. Then they surrounded us and prayed for us.

Kitten and I left their house that night feeling healed, not necessarily physically, but emotionally and spiritually. We did, in fact, make a small purchase. We did trust that God was in control. A few months later, God worked through some amazing circumstances to give us a daughter, Alyssa Grace. Since that time, He has blessed us twice more. Each story is different and unique. But the healing that He has brought to us each time has been amazing.

The song that inspired this story tonight can be found here. The story and song are truly inspiring. May you experience God at work in and through you today. May He bring healing into your life where you need it. May you be an agent for healing in others lives as well.

Great News

I got the word today. After waiting for a few weeks, the word finally arrived. I passed my ordination exams. I passed the Theology & Sacraments, the English Bible, and the Polity exams. In order to pass each exam, I needed to score at least a 75. I exceeded those scores. YEAH! One more step in the process of transfering my ordination is complete.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Second Preview Service

Last week was the second preview service for Discovery Church. I'm pretty stoked about what God is up to. The band continues to improve. We are continuing to refine and add new pieces. For those of you who like the rundown of what happened where, here's the set list.

"Nothin' At All" by Third Day
"All Because of Jesus" by Fee
"Always" by Generation Unleashed
"Draw Me Close" as arranged by Kutless
Message with clips from Get Smart & Hellboy II
"Slow Fade" video by Casting Crowns

Wordle experiment

What do I talk about most here? Take a look here and see if you can figure it.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Supporting Church Planting

At Discovery we believe that we are called to be live sacrificially. We also believe that we are called to reproduce (just not in the back row of Kerasotes). One way that we are merging these two beliefs together is in supporting other church plants and making plans to help plant other churches.

At our June preview service (the next one is July 20th, btw), we were so appreciative to have some of our best friends show up from out of town just to help out. Kevin and Emily are expecting. They are expecting God to add to their family in November ( birthday and Ajax's due date...disclaimer: the baby will not be named Ajax, but wouldn't it be cool if it were?). They are also expecting God to add to his family through a church they are planting in Knoxville. And what better place than in amid all the pagan UT fans. The Ridge will be launching in early 2009.

What am I excited about? I'm excited that perhaps Discovery might be able to partner with Kevin & Emily and others like them in multiplying the work of being churches that are making a difference in their communities. We're committing to give 10% of all our tithes and offering each Sunday at Discovery to support new churches. Another 10% (yes, a total of 20%) will go to support missions (like our partnership with InterVarsity and others).

How are you making a difference? How are you living sacrificially?

Time flys when you're having fun...and really busy

I am a loser. I am a shame to the blogosphere. I have neglected my blogging duties and I confess my unfaithfulness in posting. I repent and ask for your forgiveness.

The past few weeks have been very busy. I am beginning to feel that I understand my responsibilities at Bob's. However, every time I think I have a handle on it, I find myself calling Anna (the woman I'm trying to somehow replace) and begging for advice/wisdom/counsel/help. Mental note: try and not replace the "Hall of Fame" employee next time around (and hopefully that will not be anytime real soon).

Discovery is moving forward as well. Big meeting with the Board/Commission on Tuesday. The worship team was hard at work on the music for July today. I'm so proud of how they are progressing as a team. They sound really good. Can't wait for July 20th!

The other big ticket item: I'm preaching at the Midwest Presbytery of the EPC this week in Brighton, Michigan. Just a short little trip in the middle of the week. I'm so excited/nervous about this awesome opportunity. It is one of the last steps in the transferal of my ordination to the new denomination. Major step though. More details to come this week.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The First Preview Service

The fun has begun! This past Sunday was the first preview service for Discovery Church. Here's some of the pics from the weekend. We had several people there (more than we anticipated) and had a great time. The band sounded awesome and the Starbucks Coffee was hot and good.

The Worship Service Outline
"How to Save a Life" by The Fray
"All Because of Jesus" by Fee
"You're Worthy of Praise"
"Enough" by Tomlin & Giglio
"Savin' Me" video by Nickelback
"Flood" by Jars of Clay

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We're Pumped!!!

Just 3.5 days away from watching God turn the dream that was Discovery Church into reality. The first preview service begins this Sunday (June 22nd) at 9:30 at Kerasotes Stadium 16; Coffee & Donuts at 9:00.

God has done so many amazing things along the way for us. A brief recap of how we got where we are.
  • February 2007...God begins to birth the dream of Discovery in the hearts of two couples.
  • April 2007...I go to the session at Olivet and ask for their discernment of this calling and passion.
  • Summer 2007...Begin looking for places to host Discovery when it launches a year later. Several places, including Kerasotes, are either flat out "no-s" or cost-prohibitive.
  • September 2007...I announced to the congregation at Olivet that I would be resigning my ministry position effective the end of May.
  • October 2007...The Board of Discovery Church organizes featuring some of the greatest Christian leaders in Evansville (and Chandler).
  • November 2007...Discovery Church of Evansville, Inc. officially forms in the eyes of the state of Indiana and the Federal Government.
  • January 2008...The Midwest Presbytery of the EPC begins financially supporting the church launch through a matching gift.
  • February 2008...Kerasotes becomes a possibility again.
  • March 2008...Kerasotes becomes a reality! God is so good.
  • The team continues to grow to 20 launch team members.
  • Website development begins.
  • May 2008...God (and Billy Long) sell our house for nearly the asking price. A miracle in this market.
  • God gets me a job on the westside. By the way, join Bob's Gym (three convenient locations: North, West & Newburgh).
  • June 2008...The website goes live (
  • Projector and sound system arrive.
  • First preview service June 22nd!

God is so good. Stay tuned for more developments.

Monday, May 19, 2008

An Ontime God

A few weeks ago, Kitten and I were stressed. Okay, we were wigging out. We were wondering how we would pay our mortgage payment when we entered the world of unemployment. My dad kept encouraging me to remember that God was an on-time God.

In the last 7 days a lot has changed. We sold our house last Monday and expect to close in the next couple of weeks. I also got a call today that I have a job. I'll be working for Bob's Gym in management. Never doubt...God is good, all the time. He might take us to the brink, but He always shows up. He shows up and He shows off.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

People of the Book (part four)

In the end, the summary of the article is that we must fall in love with the book. We must return to being a "people of the book." Like the Israelites, we should rise with a desire to hear from God afresh each day. We should listen to Him as He speaks into our lives. We must direct our attention and our affection to the One worthy of both. We must develop an insatiable appetite, an unquenchable thirst for the Word of God.

Friday, May 9, 2008

People of the Book (part three)

John Ortberg describes the prophets as the "orginal performance artists." God would give them a message, but also creative ways in which to live out that message. To illustrate the desperate situation that would be the siege and exile, He commanded one prophet to make bread over a fire fueled by excrement. He commanded the prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute named Gomer (to which the only appropriate reply must have been..."Golly.")

Today, as we share the message of Scripture, as we teach and live it, how are we bringing the gospel into three-dimensional reality for those around us? We must find creative and powerful ways to communicate the love of a creative and powerful God. I believe that this should include the use of video, media, art, photography, drama, comedy, poetry, prose and a variety of other expressions.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

People of the Book (part two)

"In many ways our situation is increasingly like that of the early church. The gospel had to compete in a multi-religious, pluralistic environment where, as Edward Gibbon put it, "the masses considered all religions equally true, the philosophers considered them equally false, and the politicians considered them equally useful." Historians like Rodney Stark say that the reason the church exploded across the ancient world was, to a large extent it was because the church incarnated the word—cared for the poor, fed the hungry, embraced the orphan, risked sheltering the sick." (People of the Book)

As I read those words, the truths and maxims came rushing back:

  • "They do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care."
  • "You are the only Bible some people will ever read."
  • "If you were charged with being a Christian, is there enough evidence to convict?"
  • "I would have became a Christian if I ever met one."

How is that we allow the gospel to be proclaimed on Sunday morning, yet stay dormant within our lives the rest of the week? How can we talk about how Jesus cared for the poor, the broken, the hurting as we retreat to our middle-class, suburbian like dwellings? How can we claim God as our Father, Christ as our Lord, the Spirit as our Counselor and not care for the very same people that they care for, the widowed, the orphaned, the immigrants?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

God & Politics

In light of the Indiana primaries that just occurred, I found this story particularly interesting. It seems that after years of being tightly linked to the Republican party that many evangelicals are shying away from politics altogether. The signers of this new manifesto are some of the leaders in the evangelical world, including my former ethics teacher: David Gushee.

What's your thoughts? What role should the church play in politics? What about individual Christians? What is their responsibility?

People of the Book (part one)

Just finished reading an article by John Ortberg entitled People of the Book. It caused a rush of thought and questions. Over the next four days, I'll unpack some of the ways that it knocked me around and the questions it raised.

First: the issue of passion for Scriptures within the church I serve starts with me. In our Student Ministry at Olivet, the middle school and high school students are not going to revere the Word unless they see that modeled in my life. At Discovery, the passion that I bring to my personal study of Scripture will be translated in the rest of the community. When my time with God is shallow, rushed or non-existent, how can I expect anything less from those in the pews (or in Discovery's case...the theater-seating). When I spend time in God's Word, it is a rush of exhiliration. I learn so much about who God is and what He has done throughout history and how He is moving in the future.

"By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity, a word that will not be revoked: before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear." -- Isaiah 45:23

Monday, May 5, 2008

Home Page Sneek Peak

Many of you end up here from the church urls. Soon, you'll have to come in through another portal. Why? Because within the next month, the Discovery Church website will be going live. The team at Details Communication has been working hard to put together an awesome tool for us. Here's a sneak peak of the screen capture for you.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Communion Confusion

How do those who do not go to church react to the language we use in a communion service? What do they hear when we say this is the body and blood of Christ? Here's a hint from indexed.

Perhaps we need to give more explanation or find another way in which to receive this sacrament. Could it be that because we fail to accurately explain the background and the reasoning behind our actions that we have people thinking this?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Awesome gift

What's it like to be the church that has very little? It's interesting and yet so helpful in remembering that God gives us exactly what we need. For example:

Exhibit A: Kitten's preschool classroom at Olivet recently got a new rug for the kids. Kitten was commenting to the Director of how nice it was and how she hoped that she would be able to get something like it for the kids at Discovery. She stated that she would probably settle for something plainer though for pure cost purposes. A couple of weeks later, Kitten walked into my office at Olivet to find a gift. Here's what it was. One of her co-workers had overheard the story and had got online and ordered it for Discovery. What an awesome gift.

Exhibit B: Just got done talking with one of my talented debaters from North. He said the passage he read this morning was a great reminder to trust God. Read it for yourself. Luke 12:22-31.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Exciting Announcement

As many of you know we have been praying for a space to become available for Discovery to have their Gathering (Sunday morning) services in. We've been through many options and discussed the possibility with numerous people. This past Friday we got the confirmation of a space. And the place where we'll meet is...

Kerasotes Stadium 16
5600 Pearl Drive
Evansville, IN 47712

Over the next few days, we'll explain what this will look like. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, June 22nd for our first preview service at Kerasotes Stadium 16!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Plenary Session 5b -- Rick Warren

Rick is the author of the NY Times best seller, The Purpose Driven Life. He has also recently made it his goal to work to bring P.E.A.C.E. throughout the globe. Here's the highlight of his closing talk.

  • Listen to your wife. She's often the Holy Spirit.

  • Before you marry, opposites attract. After you marry, opposites attack.

  • The purpose of marriage is not to make you happy; it is to make you holy.

  • God gave you your wife not just for sex, not just to mother your children, but to be a counselor to you too. You don't have it all together. You need other people, especially your wife.

  • God said, “I never called you to compare yourself to others. If you do, you will limit what I want you to do in your life. I want you to be you.”

  • Growing churches require growing pastors. The moment you stop growing, the church will stop growing. Leaders are learners. The moment you stop learning, you'll stop leading.

  • There is one thing you cannot delegate and that is faith in God.

  • Rest and relaxation are so important that God put it into the Big 10 right next to murder and adultery.

  • Don't call it a day off, call it a Sabbath. If you call it a day off, you'll violate it.

  • Don't pay attention to critics and compliments. They are both like bubblegum: chew on it, but don't swallow it. You have to do your work for an audience of one.

  • A great commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission will grow a great church, Christian, community.

Plenary Session 5a -- Tim Keller

Tim Keller is a true inspiration to church planters. Tim and the congregation at Redeemer Presbyterian in Manhattan have taken the call to plant very seriously. In living it out the Great Commission, they have helped change the world. Here's the highlights from his part of the last session.

  • It's pretty obvious that the DNA of a reproducing church has to be the gospel.

  • The text says that gospel is power. It is the power of God in verbal form.

  • The gospel completes the baseline cultural narrative of hearts and society. He's taking the baseline aspiration of the culture, he uses it to confront the culture, but also there is an invitation to repentance from the culture.

  • The gospel is: In Jesus Christ, God emptied Himself and became a servant; In Jesus Christ, God atoned for our sins by substituting Himself for us; In the end times, God will come back to restore all things to Himself.

  • God cares so much for His creation that He became materially and that He will restore it as well.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Big news coming in 4 days

God is amazing. We've got big news on the Discovery front coming down. We'll be announcing in on Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. right here. You won't want to miss it. Plan on stopping by and finding out what we're excited about. We'll start dropping hints soon.

Plenary Session 4b -- Dave Ferguson

Dave Ferguson is the President of the Conference this year. He does an incredible job in leading the New Thing Network. He also wrote an incredible book entitled The Big Idea. The highlights of his talk:

  • Community :: grow in their love for God, their love for God's people, their love for God's world.

  • From the very beginning of time, God has been all about community.

  • If it is what God is about, maybe it should be what we're about.

  • The most important question might be: Are we coming together to create community? Are we loving God and loving God's world?

  • Be the community. Be the church and go create community.

Plenary Session 4a -- Steve Andrews

Can't find a good picture, so you just get the highlights:
  • There is a fresh wave of the Holy Spirit in the church. There is a spirit of openhandness that is catching like a virus. There is a spirit that is rejecting the competitive, isolationist attitude.
  • Every man or woman has to hear the call of God, decide what that is and then give their lifeblood for that.
  • Live with the vision in an unwavering way.
  • There is an exploding number of people who believe in the Great Commission who don't care who gets the credit. They just want to see Jesus Christ lifted high.
  • No ego leadership means that we will change the world by allowing others to surpass us in every way.

Plenary Session 3 -- Alan Hirsch

Alan Hirsch wrote The Forgotten Ways. His talk in the main session was challenging and very entertaining. The highlights:

  • Organizations exert a certain pressure on us to conform. Sometimes to wake up out of the mesmerizing effect we have to get kicked in the butt.

  • It is Christology that lies at the heart of the renewal of the church.

  • If we don't go back to Jesus, what are we doing? We get so busy with the stuff of the church that we can forget all about Jesus.

  • You know that Jesus is like you when He hates the people that you hate.

  • The embodiment of the faith is critical to transmission.

  • We disciple in the context of consumerism, which is the overwhelming alternative religion of the day. It is the state religion.

  • What we need are missionally responsive, culturally adaptive, organizationally agile, multiplication movements.

  • Every believer a church planter, every church a church planting church.

  • God sent and went to make a difference. We must be a sending people.

Breakout session -- Vince Antonucci

I confess. I have a church planter's crush on Vince Antonucci. Why? Ten reasons...

10. His church name has a golf term in it: FOREfront.

9. In a world of tall, handsome, perfect teeth church planters, I'm actually taller than Vince.

8. He has an awesome sense of humor.

7. He is a genuine great guy. I sent an email asking for some advice last fall and he quickly replied (multiple times). He wasn't too busy for others.

6. He told people not to join his church.

5. He has a church service in a bar. You could blame someone sleeping on them "passing out" and not on the fact that they didn't like the sermon.

4. He's really good at top 10 lists.

3. He is an incredible story teller.

2. He wrote an incredible book that I highly recommend.

1. He takes God's work very seriously. He doesn't take himself too seriously.

So I got to meet Vince in person today. Awesome experience. Here are some of the highlights of his talk:

  • God is an uncivilized God. He acts in uncivilized ways. He calls people to act in uncivilized ways.

  • If it seems like the right thing to do, it's probably not. If it seems like something that we can be criticized for, it's probably of God.

  • Do what God is calling you to do, not what someone else is doing. The Bible says that God gives us visions and dreams. Perhaps God has a vision or dream for your ministry.

  • To reach people who haven't been reached, you have to do something that has never been done.
So much more good stuff. I encourage you to look at his blog to catch even more details.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Plenary Session 2 -- Andy Stanley

The second followed the first, imagine that. Andy Stanley, the pastor at Northpoint in Atlanta, shared some of his thoughts. He mainly focused on the need to communicate vision. Here are the highlights:

  • “I've never done what you've done. I know more about splitting churches than planting churches.”

  • “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” That statement is the glue that holds all of it together.

  • Vision is the mental picture of what could be, fueled by the passion for what should be. This isn't just what can be, but what has to be. Something needs be different.

  • Memorable is portable and you need a portable vision.

  • What is Barack Obama's vision for America? Change. We have a candidate who has done an incredible job of linking his vision to a word. You may say we don't know what it means. He'll have four or eight years to explain it if he wins.

  • Define the problem. Offer a solution. Explain why and why now.

  • Don't miss opportunities to systematically celebrate someone fleshing out the vision. Stories are powerful for communicating vision.