Thursday, December 6, 2007

Lovin' my wife

I was reading one of the many blogs that I cruise through on a daily basis when one line jumped out at me. Craig Groeschel has been writing a list of 40 things that he wished someone had told him when he was 20. I really appreciated number 36 (just wondering why it took until 36 to get to it). It said:

"36. Love your wife more than you love the church. The church is Jesus' bride, not yours."

The temptation in ministry is to spend so much time loving and serving others that you forget about the one that you committed to loving and serving "until death do you part." What a regular temptation for me. It is so easy to eat lunch with an elder/youth worker/another pastor and never invite your wife (and those beautiful girls) to lunch.

Kitten...if you are reading this...first, I'm impressed you found the time in the midst of raising two amazing girls at home where there is no internet connection. Second, you've heard me say on numerous occasions that I married out of my league. No doubt there are many times that you agree. Thank you. Thank you for loving me when I am imperfect. Thank you for doing a great job with two awesome girls. Thank you for being so supportive of me and our calling to the church. Thank you for making sacrifices so that others can know that God loves them. Today, know that you are loved beyond measure and I appreciate you.

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