Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The First Preview Service

The fun has begun! This past Sunday was the first preview service for Discovery Church. Here's some of the pics from the weekend. We had several people there (more than we anticipated) and had a great time. The band sounded awesome and the Starbucks Coffee was hot and good.

The Worship Service Outline
"How to Save a Life" by The Fray
"All Because of Jesus" by Fee
"You're Worthy of Praise"
"Enough" by Tomlin & Giglio
"Savin' Me" video by Nickelback
"Flood" by Jars of Clay


Anonymous said...

Great set list. Great pics. Super awesome to hear. Keep going. God is using you all!

Anonymous said...

Hi Trey,
Blessings to you and all your "staff" from Atlanta. We are thrilled to be included in your prayer team and know that God will honor your faith and dedication. Some where it says that we are not to despise small beginnings.
A number of years ago there was a dairy farmer in California who heard the voice of God calling him to a ministry to businessmen. He persevered in what he belived God was saying to him. The reuslt was that over the next several decades there were perhaps millions of men who came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Lives were changed and families were blessed.
You have a similar position. In all things, remember the One who called you, is faithful and true. This is a "God Thing" and He is awsome. He will do it.
Larry & Christy