Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The First Discovery Launch Team Meeting

Last night marked a landmark event in the life of Discovery Church and I must confess I was amazed. After Kitten and I decided nearly a year ago to pursue this vision, it left me filled with awe to see God at work. As the Launch Team met for the first time together at Jack & Susan's (and Elise's) house, I was overwhelmed with the sense that God was up to something.

I believe with all my heart that God is calling us into this new and exciting adventure. He has placed a vision for His church so deeply within my heart. I can envision what the first service will be like. Yet to see this group of seventeen gathered in one house being the church...it almost took my breath away (but it didn't keep me from sharing a devotional thought).

It was such a pleasure to sit in community together and get to know each other, to share the vision for what God wants to do in our midst, and look forward to that becoming a reality. The worship felt authentic. The prayers were real, not forced or contrived. The girls had a great time playing in the back (with only one missing tooth to show for it).

It's funny, but I am already looking forward to the next time. To clarifying the vision with greater detail. To even more people coming aboard. To greater excitement as we get closer and closer to seeing the vision become reality. To being the church.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm So Thankful

This past week featured Thanksgiving. During worship yesterday morning, our pastor spoke about the importance of developing a mindset of thankfulness. He mentioned that he was once challenged to write out 20 things for which he was thankful. In that spirit, I'm attempting to create a similar list. Please enjoy or feel free to comment with your own list.

  • My wife, Kitten. You are the most amazing woman in the world. Thank you for your patience with me.
  • My daughter Alyssa Grace. You made me laugh so hard yesterday walking around acting like Hannah Montana.
  • My daughter Morgan Faith. I love it when you snuggle into my body and sleep. You have reminded me of the delight that the Father must have when we rest in Him.
  • My nephews. It is so much fun to have you run up and jump in my arms and yell "Uncle Trey."
  • My in-laws. You have taught me so much. Thank you for welcoming me into your family.
  • My friends. (I'm not going to cheat the process and name you specifically just to get a number, but I am very thankful for each of you).
  • New friends. I'm so glad that we've gotten to meet each other this year (especially Dan, Geoff, Kevin & Esther and Billy & Sarah).
  • Our home. A lovely 3 BR, 2 BA ranch on Evansville's growing Northside. Want to buy it?
  • Two well-operating vehicles that allow us to drive all over Evansville (at a mere $2.96/gallon).
  • The past. You realize today's blessings so much easier when you look at where God has taken you in the past.
  • The future. It is so exciting to look and see where God is taking us in the future as well.
  • Olivet Presbyterian Church. I honestly could have never imagined staying in one place to serve for 8 years as a youth minister when I came. Yet you have become family. Kitten and I are so thankful for you. You bless us on a regular basis.
  • The youth workers at Olivet. Wow! You truly are the youth ministers at Olivet. Thanks for not collecting a salary so that I can.
  • Discovery Church. (Can you be thankful for a church that hasn't even had a service yet?) I look forward to growing and serving alongside you in the future.
  • Discovery's Launch team. Thank you for committing to serve those who will come to check us out over the next seven months.
  • Discovery's Board of Directors. Thank you for saying "yes." You have already provided so much to the process. I look forward to learning so much more from each of you.
  • Tim Tebow. If he doesn't win the Heisman, they should change the name of the award to "Heist-man." You can vote for Tim to win here.

  • God's sovereignty. I find it very comforting to know that God is in control.
  • Microsoft's generosity. They're fixing my XBox 360 for free and extending the warranty. Now if I could just get the process to happen quicker.
  • Evansville. I remember growing up thinking that I would want to live anywhere but Evansville. Now I realize just how great Evansville is. I hope that 2008 sees continued growth and development happening within the city/county.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What's in a Name

What do you want to name your blog? The seriousness of the issue struck me. I could put some lame name down (like "Trey's Thoughts" or "Trey's blog") but that's not really my style. I could put my name down ("Trey McClain") but that feels very ego-centered (wouldn't that make Freud happy). Instead, I figured to go with the abstract.

Anagnorisis is a Greek literary term that refers to the startling discovery, usually by the hero, that produces a change from ignorance to knowledge. Furthermore, it relates to a discovery about who (or what) the individual really is. One of the greatest contemporary uses of this technique is found in "The Sixth Sense," one of my all-time favorite movies.

God often brings these "anagnorisis" moments into our lives. These are the moments when you discover there is so much more that He has in store for you, more than you could ever imagine. It's your bride as she makes her way down the aisle on your wedding day. It is the realization that God has a specific purpose for your life. It is the call to leave the known and strike out on a new adventure.

My hope is that you will experience with me many more of these moments, that you will discover all that you were made for and that I would too.