Friday, May 9, 2008

People of the Book (part three)

John Ortberg describes the prophets as the "orginal performance artists." God would give them a message, but also creative ways in which to live out that message. To illustrate the desperate situation that would be the siege and exile, He commanded one prophet to make bread over a fire fueled by excrement. He commanded the prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute named Gomer (to which the only appropriate reply must have been..."Golly.")

Today, as we share the message of Scripture, as we teach and live it, how are we bringing the gospel into three-dimensional reality for those around us? We must find creative and powerful ways to communicate the love of a creative and powerful God. I believe that this should include the use of video, media, art, photography, drama, comedy, poetry, prose and a variety of other expressions.

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