Monday, November 10, 2008

Going Bi...Vocational (Part Four)

There are definitely drawbacks to being bi-vocational. However, there are also marked advantages. This week, we'll direct our attention to a few of those.

One huge advantage to doing ministry bi-vocationally is decreasing the burden of the church. The Apostle Paul did this over and over again. As he was planting churches, he would make tents. The tent-making would allow him to serve without demands.

As we were beginning our adventure with Discovery Church, I was challenged by the staffing of Muncie Alliance to consider the benefits of being bi-vocational. The staff at MAC has chosen to be bi-vocational so that the resources of the church might go further and enable more ministry to occur. My role at Bob's has allowed me to support my family and be less of a burden for Discovery.


Anonymous said...

What you say is true, but at 53 i get a little tired sometimes, but God is blessing and the new plant sprouts! check in with me and we will compare notes. btw, I love your location. god bless Shalom

Anonymous said...

please edit that G see, old tired,