Saturday, November 1, 2008

Going Bi...Vocational (part three)

Over the next few days, we'll be discussing the pros and cons to bi-vocational ministry.

The natural outflow of the struggle with time is a struggle for family moments. My family is God's most precious gift to me (aside from salvation of course). I love letting my girls use me as a jungle-gym. I like spending time with my wife. I enjoy our family time together.

It has been said that when you say yes to one thing, you must say no to another. It is a shame that when we say yes to bi-vocational ministry that one area that can easily be overlooked is our family. One of the highlights of my week is when the girls stop by the gym to spend time with me. It makes me happy to see Alyssa sitting on a stool behind the counter "working" by coloring. Awesome! I appreciate those moments, because I do not get enough of them.

For me, I've tried to find ways to get those special moments with the girls. I might stop by the house on my way back from one of the other clubs. After working late one night a couple of weeks ago, I slept in a bit and dropped Alyssa off at school, just so we could have some time together in the morning.

What are you doing to make special time for your family?

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