Thursday, August 13, 2009
John Calvin Quote of the Day
"For, until men feel that they owe everything to God, that they are cherished by his paternal care, and that he is the author of all their blessings, so that naught is to be looked for away from him, they will never submit to him in voluntary obedience; no, unless they place their entire happiness in him, they will never yield up their whole selves to him in truth and sincerity." -- Institutes, Book First, Chapter 2
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
John Calvin Quote of the Day
Through him and for his name's sake
I've been reading in Romans 1 this week and one verse in particular has caught my attention this week. I've read the book of Romans numerous times, but can't remember being rocked by this verse before. Look at verse 5:
"Through him and for his name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith."
What did we do to receive grace? Nothing. It is through him. Why do we receive grace? For his name's sake, for his glory.
To often, I approach my Christian walk like it is about me, who I am, what I've done. Not this week. This week I am remembering that it is THROUGH HIM AND FOR HIS NAME'S SAKE.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
One Prayer: Scott Hodge
Scott Hodge, pastor at The Orchard Community in Aurora, IL, laid it down this morning at Discovery. Here is the link to the video. Enjoy!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
One Prayer: Perry Noble
Want to hear the message that Perry Noble shared with Discovery a couple of weeks ago? Click here to listen from Elevation Church's website. Enjoy!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
What Would Jesus Say to President Obama? (parts 3 & 4)
Consolidating the posts because I got wrapped up in other items last week.
"Lead diligently."
Warren Bennis, renowned leadership expert, states, "Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality." I believe campaign politics is largely about the ability to sell a vision for a preferable future. Senator Obama's campaign did an excellent job of selling hope and the belief that "Yes, We Can." The tough part begins now, turning that compelling vision into reality.
Scripture speaks pretty clearly on the idea of leadership. In Romans 12, the Apostle Paul uses the exact words quoted above in instructing leaders: "lead diligently." The term "diligence" has lost much of its meaning in our fast-paced, ADD-culture; it speaks to conscience attention to detail and precise action. After all, to whom much is given, much is expected (a rough paraphrase of Luke 12:48). Clearly, our President has been afforded much, including the votes of 53% of the voting public. Now, he must lead diligently.
"Seek wisdom."
Shortly after his father passed away, Solomon assumed the throne of Israel. In a vision, God appeared to Solomon and offered to bless Solomon however Solomon chose. In a moment of inspiration, Solomon chose wisdom. (I would have definitely been tempted to make everyday Thursday. Why? Cheap boneless wings and Survivor.)
If given the same option, I would plead with our President to choose wisdom as well. Clearly there are issues of economics, diplomacy, and social issues in which he is lacking knowledge and wisdom. Obama should surround himself with men and women who can provide him with the necessary wisdom. Most importantly, he should seek wisdom from God. In James 1:5, Jesus' brother writes that if we lack wisdom we should ask God who gives generously to all.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
What Would Jesus Say to President Obama? (part two)
President Barack Obama is one of the most gifted communicators that I have ever witnessed. He has an amazing command of the English language (unlike our former President who once created the word: misunderestimated). One of the elements that makes Obama sucha gifted orator is his use of self-depricating humor. Some of my favorite Obama quips include:"Contrary to the rumors that you've heard, I was not born in a manger ... I was actually born on Krypton, and sent here by my father Jor-El to save the planet Earth.”
- “I got my middle name from somebody who obviously didn't think I'd ever run for President."
- "If I had to name my greatest strength, I guess it would be my humility. Greatest weakness? It's possible that I'm a little too awesome.”
Unfortunately, when every word that you say is immediately
transcribed and broadcast across the planet, you need to be extremely cautious about what you say. Last month, our President appeared on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno."
During that appearance he made an off-handed remark about his bowling that was very hurtful to many individuals. In light of that moment, I think Jesus might remind Mr. Obama, "Watch your words."
Pearl Strachan once wrote, "Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs." Centuries before she would pen these words, the Apostle James said that the whole world is set on fire by our tongues. He was reminding us of the destructive nature of an undisciplined tongue. (To read all of what James has to say about the tongue, click here.) I believe Jesus would encourage Barack Obama to watch his words, to be intentional about what he says.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What Would Jesus Say to President Obama?
As we head into this portion of the series, I want do put out a couple of disclaimers. Too many people enter into the discussion of politics with the view that God has a particular allegience. I found a bumper sticker a couple of months ago that had a very imporant truth:
Disclaimer: God is not a Republican or a Democrat. I believe that there are elements to each of the major parties platforms that God would celebrate. I also believe that there are elements to each of the major parties platforms that would grieve the heart of God. Political parties, like every other group, is filled with broken and screwed up people. Of course, they would occasionally act in a way apart from what might be God's perfect will.
Disclaimer: I think Jesus would find plenty of things to say. Over the next few days, I am only going to highlight a few of them. Do not pretend to take this as the full-meal deal, but rather perhaps an appetizer.
Dad, I Got Great News
I was getting ready to head back to work yesterday when Alyssa burst into the room. "Dad, I got great news." She ran off with the same level of enthusiasm. What had got her so excited? She came dashing back in. "I asked Jesus into my heart." When I asked her why she had done this, her response was simple: "Because I didn't think He was in there. Now He's in my heart."
"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." (Mark 10:15)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday Set List
Friday, April 17, 2009
Adventures in U6 Soccer
So Thursday night was our first soccer game of the year for my little pink team. We have seven girls on the team and one was sick, so we played with 6 (only two of which are currently in school). Here's how the game turned out:
We got crushed. You know you lost bad when you place your opponents score in scientific notation and you still lose. That is the category we fell into. We lost 0 - 2.1 x 10. We did move the ball well at times (generally toward our own goal, but hey...we'll take what we can).
Saturday morning was the second game. Much more competitive. We lost only 7-3.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What Would Jesus Say to Bono (part three)
What would Jesus say to the self-described "Imelda Marcos of Sunglasses"? What would he say to the 2005 Time Magazine person of the year (along with Bill & Melinda Gates)? His music has earned him legends of fans. His humaniatarian work has earned him the respect of world leaders and other dignitaries. The most pressing question though is what would Jesus say to him?
I suppose Jesus might say...
"Keep searching for me."
Bono grew up thoroughly confused by his religious experiences. As
the son of Catholic father and Protestant mother in Ireland where that division is not merely a religious issue, but also very much political, he felt confused. "I never had a problem with Christ, but Christians were a different story." Late in his teen years, he began an honest search that would lead him to trusting in grace. He continues to seek grace on a daily basis, relying on the work of Christ on the cross.
At the heart of the Easter story that we celebrated last weekend is the story of people seeking God. After watching their teacher be crucified on a wooden cross on Friday, his disciples went to continue their mourning on Sunday. They brought ointments and oils much like we might bring flowers to a graveside. When they got to the tomb, the stone had been rolled away. Their rabbi, their loved one, was missing.
Mary stumbled upon a man she assumed was the gardener and she asked him, "What have you done with him? If you've done something with him, just let me know where you put him and I'll take care of him." In the midst of her desperate search for Jesus, the man replies to her: "Mary."
Jesus was there. He called her by name. In hearing her name called, she responds, "Rabboni" (which means Teacher). It's as if Jesus looks at her and says, "Mary.'s me, Jesus."
Today, some of you are still searching, looking for something. In the midst of your doubts, questions, confusion, Jesus wants to meet you right where you are. He wants you to know that He is not dead; He is right there with you...and He is calling you by name. He wants to meet you where you are.
To Bono, to you, to me, Jesus says, "Keep searching." If you have never really trusted him, keep asking questions. Keep looking for answers. If you are a Jesus-follower, keep working out your faith with fear and trembling. Keep seeking Him who sought you.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What Would Jesus Say to Bono (Part Two)
What would Jesus say to the self-described "Imelda Marcos of Sunglasses"? What would he say to the 2005 Time Magazine person of the year (along with Bill & Melinda Gates)? His music has earned him legends of fans. His humaniatarian work has earned him the respect of world leaders and other dignitaries. The most pressing question though is what would Jesus say to him?
I suppose Jesus might say...
"Great job putting your faith into practice."
In James 2, the brother of Jesus argues that we can tell genuine faith by how it impacts our life and how we demonstrate that faith on a daily basis. He gives the example of seeing a hungry, naked person and telling them: "Praying for you." What good does that do? Did that solve their hunger pains? Did that warm them up? No. Real faith would not merely utter words, but live it out in a "let's go to Cicis and get you some pizza buffet and stop at Target before we do that (you know: no shoes, no shirt, no service might be a problem).
Faith is not merely coming to church for a service on Sunday. If the only evidence of your faith is your attendance on Sunday morning that is not faith; it is a hobby (thanks Ryan for the help with that line). As Bono has said, "Love thy neighbor is not advise. It is a commandment."
After a 1985 trip to Ethopia sponsored by WorldVision, Bono's world changed. He could no longer ignore the cries of hunger from Africa. He could no longer drown out the cries of the orphaned children grieving the loss of their mother to a virus that also infected them. He had to do something. He had to put his faith into practice. He helped launch a variety of NGOs to address the issues of the forgotten continent: DATA, One Campaign, and Make Poverty History. I think Jesus would commend these efforts.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What Would Jesus Say to Bono (part one)
What would Jesus say to the self-described "Imelda Marcos of Sunglasses"? What would he say to the 2005 Time Magazine person of the year (along with Bill & Melinda Gates)? His music has earned him legends of fans. His humaniatarian work has earned him the respect of world leaders and other dignitaries. The most pressing question though is what would Jesus say to him?
I suppose Jesus might say...
"Your music rocks."
While Bono was just 16 years of age, he answered the ad of a 14-year old
boy named Larry looking to start a band. After watching adoring teenage girls flock to the house for practice, Bono was convinced: his future was in music. The band would become known as U2. They have gone on to sell over 145 million (wonder what Dr. Evil would think of that?) albums. They have received 22 Grammy awards. They have been inducted into the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame.
I believe that Jesus would appreciate their music. He would definitely like the passion and effort they bring to their performances and their studio work. Remember the Apostle Paul wrote:
"Work from the heart for your real Master, for God" (Colossians 3:23, The Message).
Bono's music usually is real. It usually describes an individuals journey toward God or their running from Him. Whether they are describing a place "Where Streets Have No Name" or the struggle which has left them feeling like they "Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," U2 embraces the search for God like few other mainstream bands.
Monday, April 13, 2009
By the way...
In case you haven't realized....
I'm back. Blogs going up everyday this week. Don't miss out.
Monday Mind Dump
What happens when you take an ADD person and give them sleep deprivation? Thoughts along these lines:
- I love Discovery Church. Volunteers rocked. Thanks for the serious hard work.
- Who sits in a dark parking lot at 4:45 AM waiting for some poor sap to come open a gym. Seriously people. Sleep is not such a bad thing.
- Highlight #1 from Easter: After overhearing me tell a little girl how beautiful her dress was, one of our volunteers said, "You can say that. You're a dad. If I said that, I look like a pedophile."
- "Mary...Boo...It's me, Jesus."
- Watching the Hannah Montana movie wasn't so bad, especially with Morgan sleeping in my arms. Doesn't get much better than holding your little girl in your arms.
- Praying that Ridge Church finds a place to meet soon. Even though meeting places aren't that important to being a church.
- Mowing sucks. Anyone who likes the outdoors and would enjoy walking in God's creation for 2.5 hours is more than welcome to come mow my yard anytime they want.
- Speaking of mowing: Broke the mower yesterday. Tree roots suck!
- Excited about what God is doing in Vegas. Viva la Verve!
- Highlight #2 from Easter: Easter lunch. Mom rocked the steak with melting sauce and the aspargus & sun-dried tomato concoction. Awesome.
- Can't wait for this week at Discovery: What Would Jesus Say to President Obama?
Sunday Set List
Here's the set list from Easter at Discovery Church:
"Where the Streets Have No Name" -- U2
VIDEO: Easter Welcome to our Church
"You are So Good to Me" -- Pasley/Pasley/Chaffer
"Mighty to Save" -- Ben Fielding & Reuben Morgan
"I Am Free"-- Jon Egan
"Jesus Messiah" -- Tomlin/Carson/Reeves/Cash
"Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" -- U2
SERMON: What Would Jesus Say to Bono
"My Savior, My God" -- Aaron Schust
"Beautiful Day" -- U2
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Today in Review
- Worship team did well while making adjustments. Darrin, you have some serious pipes.
- Ryan, wishing your guitar well. May it rest in peace. Here's hoping you have another next week.
- "27 + 39 = 66. If you're Catholic, there's even more."
- It's amazing the devotion and sacrifice that so many people made so that we could read God's Word in our own language.
- How am I neglecting God's Word?
- Who's in for making a difference at Tekoppel?
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