Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Would Jesus Say to President Obama?

As we head into this portion of the series, I want do put out a couple of disclaimers. Too many people enter into the discussion of politics with the view that God has a particular allegience. I found a bumper sticker a couple of months ago that had a very imporant truth:

Disclaimer: God is not a Republican or a Democrat. I believe that there are elements to each of the major parties platforms that God would celebrate. I also believe that there are elements to each of the major parties platforms that would grieve the heart of God. Political parties, like every other group, is filled with broken and screwed up people. Of course, they would occasionally act in a way apart from what might be God's perfect will.

Disclaimer: I think Jesus would find plenty of things to say. Over the next few days, I am only going to highlight a few of them. Do not pretend to take this as the full-meal deal, but rather perhaps an appetizer. 

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