Thursday, April 16, 2009

What Would Jesus Say to Bono (part three)

What would Jesus say to the self-described "Imelda Marcos of Sunglasses"? What would he say to the 2005 Time Magazine person of the year (along with Bill & Melinda Gates)? His music has earned him legends of fans. His humaniatarian work has earned him the respect of world leaders and other dignitaries. The most pressing question though is what would Jesus say to him?

I suppose Jesus might say...

"Keep searching for me."

Bono grew up thoroughly confused by his religious experiences. As 
the son of Catholic father and Protestant mother in Ireland where that division is not merely a religious issue, but also very much political, he felt confused. "I never had a problem with Christ, but Christians were a different story." Late in his teen years, he began an honest search that would lead him to trusting in grace. He continues to seek grace on a daily basis, relying on the work of Christ on the cross.

At the heart of the Easter story that we celebrated last weekend is the story of people seeking God. After watching their teacher be crucified on a wooden cross on Friday, his disciples went to continue their mourning on Sunday. They brought ointments and oils much like we might bring flowers to a graveside. When they got to the tomb, the stone had been rolled away. Their rabbi, their loved one, was missing. 

Mary stumbled upon a man she assumed was the gardener and she asked him, "What have you done with him? If you've done something with him, just let me know where you put him and I'll take care of him." In the midst of her desperate search for Jesus, the man replies to her: "Mary."

Jesus was there. He called her by name. In hearing her name called, she responds, "Rabboni" (which means Teacher). It's as if Jesus looks at her and says, "Mary.'s me, Jesus." 

Today, some of you are still searching, looking for something. In the midst of your doubts, questions, confusion, Jesus wants to meet you right where you are. He wants you to know that He is not dead; He is right there with you...and He is calling you by name. He wants to meet you where you are.

To Bono, to you, to me, Jesus says, "Keep searching." If you have never really trusted him, keep asking questions. Keep looking for answers. If you are a Jesus-follower, keep working out your faith with fear and trembling. Keep seeking Him who sought you.

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