"Lead diligently."
Warren Bennis, renowned leadership expert, states, "Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality." I believe campaign politics is largely about the ability to sell a vision for a preferable future. Senator Obama's campaign did an excellent job of selling hope and the belief that "Yes, We Can." The tough part begins now, turning that compelling vision into reality.
Scripture speaks pretty clearly on the idea of leadership. In Romans 12, the Apostle Paul uses the exact words quoted above in instructing leaders: "lead diligently." The term "diligence" has lost much of its meaning in our fast-paced, ADD-culture; it speaks to conscience attention to detail and precise action. After all, to whom much is given, much is expected (a rough paraphrase of Luke 12:48). Clearly, our President has been afforded much, including the votes of 53% of the voting public. Now, he must lead diligently.
"Seek wisdom."
Shortly after his father passed away, Solomon assumed the throne of Israel. In a vision, God appeared to Solomon and offered to bless Solomon however Solomon chose. In a moment of inspiration, Solomon chose wisdom. (I would have definitely been tempted to make everyday Thursday. Why? Cheap boneless wings and Survivor.)
If given the same option, I would plead with our President to choose wisdom as well. Clearly there are issues of economics, diplomacy, and social issues in which he is lacking knowledge and wisdom. Obama should surround himself with men and women who can provide him with the necessary wisdom. Most importantly, he should seek wisdom from God. In James 1:5, Jesus' brother writes that if we lack wisdom we should ask God who gives generously to all.