Monday, August 23, 2010

Great Church Planter Event

At Discovery Church, we believe strongly in church planting. As Christians, we are called to reproduce. For churches, the same would hold true. From nearly the beginning of Discovery, we have been partnering with an awesome church planter: Vince Antonucci.

Vince and his family moved from Virginia Beach, VA to Las Vegas to plant a new church, Verve. The design was to reach those who were being overlooked in the status quo. It has been exciting to watch God work through Vince and the team at Verve.

This October, Vince will be hosting a (relatively cheap) conference in Las Vegas for church planters. He'll be opening up the Vault to share the DNA of why they have done things the way they do and how to reach people who do not like church. If you want more information about the event, you can find it here.

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