Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Old School Connections

Shocking truth from my past: I was in the North High School Concert Choir. Even more shocking: we were good. It wasn't because of me; it was in spite of me. The Concert Choir gave me some great memories. In the midst of one choir solo, I went through the whole puberty experience...all in one song. I moved all the way from the Tenor I section to the Bass section in one song.

Here's the weird part. I would have never imagined that I would
one day lead a community in the study of God's word and worship with one of my Concert Choir friends. This past Sunday that opportunity presented itself. Katy (Branham) Olson came to Discovery and helped lead us in worship. Katy has an incredible voice and a dynamic personality. Her sense of humor is great...and she likes my jokes.

Thanks Katy for serving this weekend. You and Shari were fan-flippin'-tastic!

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