Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Being Chosen

I remember high school dances. They frightened me. Especially the winter dance, Santa Switch, because it was there that the girls chose the guys. On other occasions, I could always blame my lack of guts as a reason I did not have a date to the dance. But with Santa Switch, it became an issue of the finer, gentler sex not wanting to ask me. Ouch...I hated not being chosen.

I was afraid that I was setting myself up for another Santa Switch moment. Tim Stevens recently asked for 10 leaders to read his upcoming book, Pop Goes the Church, and to offer him feedback to make it a better book. Tim would send the selected individuals an electronic copy of the book prior to it being sent to the publisher. I quickly responded that I was excited about the opportunity and that I would love to be selected. Tim was overwhelmed and found over 100 people who wanted to read the book. Who would he pick? The waiting had begun...

I was chosen. Tim picked me! I received an e-mail yesterday from Tim's assistant, Theresa, notifying me that I had been selected to read the book. Now I sit in expectant anticipation for the book to arrive in my inbox. I might not have had a date to Santa Switch, but Tim Stevens chose me.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

LOL congrats, Trey. I know that you love to read, so you'll probably devour that, huh?