Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Goals for 2008 (part one)

I'm not big on resolutions. They seem so over-played. No body really sticks to them, and by saying it was "just a resolution" it seems okay to dismiss the fact that you did not reach your objective. I say all that to say that I prefer goals. Definite, achievable goals.

Over the next few days, I want to share some of my goals for '08. I must confess, I'm pretty excited about this year. It will be one of the busiest, most stress-filled years of my life, but I am expecting God to do some pretty amazing stuff in the midst of it. So without further ado...

GOAL #1: Take the time each evening to have a serious conversation with my wife. Relationships are important and need to be cultivated. They do not grow through proximity, but rather through conversation and living life together. Furthermore, my wife's love-language is quality time.

GOAL #2: Read through the Bible. I read alot. I should read the Bible more. This year, I'm reading through the Bible in "The Message" translation. I figure I'll shake things up a bit by not reading a translation I am overly familiar with (particularly in the Old Testament). By the way, if you want to check a cool online resource to help you read through the Bible in a year, check out: It's really neat how they have put it together.

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