Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Purpose of a Launch Team

Over the next few days, I will be sharing the purpose of launch team members. As Discovery Church begins, these individuals will be playing a crucial part in shaping and creating the environment that allows the unchurched/dechurched to feel welcome and invited.

1. It is your church plant...invite others.
Launch team members must know that they are planting a church. It is not Trey's church plant, but rather it is yours. You have the ability/responsibility to invite others into the journey. In fact, the expectation is that you will be inviting people to the preview and launch services. Ed Stetzer recently posted a blog about how the unchurched feel about talking with others about spiritual matters. Guess what...they like it! As a launch team member, you become the biggest advocates for Discovery Church in the Evansville community. It's your church plant...invite others to join the adventure.


Jason Ebeling said...

Just came across your blog and had to comment. Having just started (2006)a "Discovery Church" that I pastor here in NC, I just wanted to encourage you and your team and let you know that I'll be praying for you. Thanks for following the "call".

Trey McClain said...


Thanks for the post. Would love to hear more about your Discovery.