"Faith is not logical. But it isn't illogical either. Faith is theological. It does not ignore reality; it just adds God inot the equation...Faith is not mindless ignorance; it simply refuses to limit God to the logical constraints of the left brain." -- Chapter 4, Eight-Foot Ceilings
Faith is amazing. By faith, Enoch walked with God and was no more. (Still trying to really grasp how that one works.) By faith, Noah built a boat that saved his family. By faith, Abraham believed it was possible to have children even though he was really stinkin' old.
But even as I type this, I hear my own voice say, "Yeah, but those were all in the Bible." And I'm right (my wife thinks that I always think I'm right). They were in the Bible. But that does not make the principle wrong. I could continue. By faith, he trusted God for a job. By faith, they prayed that the infertile couple might conceive. By faith, they believed that she would be healed.
I like the statement that Batterson makes: Faith "adds God to the equation. " Too often we strive under our own might while God is waiting in in the wings. We try and try and God is simply saying, "You're weak. Allow me." His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses, therefore we should boast all the more of our weaknesses.
Where do you need faith? In what part of your life do you need to add God to the equation?