Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wild Goose Chase (Part One)

The book finally arrived. Thanks to the incredible generosity of Billy Chia, I now am the proud owner of Wild Goose Chase. Billy created a contest in which he would award a free copy of the book to one of his readers. The sole requirement is that the recipient would post a review on her/his blog.

To satisfy that requirement I will be posting over the next week one of the learning points for me in each of the seven chapters. However, you still need to read the book (and its companion, In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day) yourself. There is so much in the book for you to digest on your own. So tomorrow morning the journey begins. Chapter One: Yawning Angels.

Some quick thoughts before we begin:

1) Mark Batterson is a truly gifted writer.
2) How cool is it that this book has its own trailer?
3) Will the website to Mark's next book be chasetheplatypus?
4) His church meets in a movie theater. What a swell idea!
5) Billy Chia is awesome...and quite generous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you rock man. I'm pumped about what God is doing at Discovery!

chasetheplatypus - that's hilarious!