Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Breakout session -- Vince Antonucci

I confess. I have a church planter's crush on Vince Antonucci. Why? Ten reasons...

10. His church name has a golf term in it: FOREfront.

9. In a world of tall, handsome, perfect teeth church planters, I'm actually taller than Vince.

8. He has an awesome sense of humor.

7. He is a genuine great guy. I sent an email asking for some advice last fall and he quickly replied (multiple times). He wasn't too busy for others.

6. He told people not to join his church.

5. He has a church service in a bar. You could blame someone sleeping on them "passing out" and not on the fact that they didn't like the sermon.

4. He's really good at top 10 lists.

3. He is an incredible story teller.

2. He wrote an incredible book that I highly recommend.

1. He takes God's work very seriously. He doesn't take himself too seriously.

So I got to meet Vince in person today. Awesome experience. Here are some of the highlights of his talk:

  • God is an uncivilized God. He acts in uncivilized ways. He calls people to act in uncivilized ways.

  • If it seems like the right thing to do, it's probably not. If it seems like something that we can be criticized for, it's probably of God.

  • Do what God is calling you to do, not what someone else is doing. The Bible says that God gives us visions and dreams. Perhaps God has a vision or dream for your ministry.

  • To reach people who haven't been reached, you have to do something that has never been done.
So much more good stuff. I encourage you to look at his blog to catch even more details.

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