Friday, April 25, 2008

Plenary Session 5a -- Tim Keller

Tim Keller is a true inspiration to church planters. Tim and the congregation at Redeemer Presbyterian in Manhattan have taken the call to plant very seriously. In living it out the Great Commission, they have helped change the world. Here's the highlights from his part of the last session.

  • It's pretty obvious that the DNA of a reproducing church has to be the gospel.

  • The text says that gospel is power. It is the power of God in verbal form.

  • The gospel completes the baseline cultural narrative of hearts and society. He's taking the baseline aspiration of the culture, he uses it to confront the culture, but also there is an invitation to repentance from the culture.

  • The gospel is: In Jesus Christ, God emptied Himself and became a servant; In Jesus Christ, God atoned for our sins by substituting Himself for us; In the end times, God will come back to restore all things to Himself.

  • God cares so much for His creation that He became materially and that He will restore it as well.

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