Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Plenary Session 2 -- Andy Stanley

The second followed the first, imagine that. Andy Stanley, the pastor at Northpoint in Atlanta, shared some of his thoughts. He mainly focused on the need to communicate vision. Here are the highlights:

  • “I've never done what you've done. I know more about splitting churches than planting churches.”

  • “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” That statement is the glue that holds all of it together.

  • Vision is the mental picture of what could be, fueled by the passion for what should be. This isn't just what can be, but what has to be. Something needs be different.

  • Memorable is portable and you need a portable vision.

  • What is Barack Obama's vision for America? Change. We have a candidate who has done an incredible job of linking his vision to a word. You may say we don't know what it means. He'll have four or eight years to explain it if he wins.

  • Define the problem. Offer a solution. Explain why and why now.

  • Don't miss opportunities to systematically celebrate someone fleshing out the vision. Stories are powerful for communicating vision.

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