Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trusting God's Sovereignty

Kitten and I have been blessed with remarkable children. Each of our kids has helped remind me about certain elements of God's character. Alyssa (the 6 yr. old) taught me about trusting God's timing. We struggled under our own efforts to grow our family; God provided in his own time, in his own way. Morgan, our youngest, reminded me of God's faithfulness. He never leaves us, nor does he forget us.

Yesterday was our son's birthday. Addison Jay (AJ) would have turned 5. Unfortunately, AJ was not with us long. On Easter Sunday 2006, AJ went to the Father. His passing was unexpected and honestly sent us into a period of questions and pain.
God used AJ to teach me about His sovereignty. Sovereignty is a big, theological term used to describe the fact that God is in control and nothing happens apart from Him. On the surface, this leads to many more questions: Why would God allow something like this to happen? Why did God not intervene? What good could come from this?

The fact is that God did use, and continues to use, AJ's life to impact individuals. As Kitten and I learned to trust God, we found peace and comfort. God has used AJ's story to draw men and women to Him. God has used our son's passing to bring others to eternal life. God used my son to teach me to trust the Father who loves passionately. God used my first born son to teach me about His passion. If I, as flawed and screwed up as I am, could feel such pain, what did He feel when He willingly gave His only son for people like me?

While I still miss AJ, I am thankful for him too. Thankful for all he has taught me and how God has used, and will continue to use, his life.

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